Friday, October 24, 2008

Mushroom Park Restaurant (21st Oct 2008)

One of my regular dining partner is a vegetarian.... unfortunately for her... i am not. And she has always put up with my meat eating ways!!! :P so today when we went to this place, I voluntered to have vegetarian food... but she offered to let me have my meats :P so she had her portion cooked frist and then later mine :p

This is actually the name of the place in chinese. It's actually the stool.

Name of the place - DSC_2191

Drinks offered... :D Eight treasure tea... According to my fren, the ingredients in there, are all eatable :p okieee... I am not a fan of flowers... esp if I have to eat them. I am okay with it being used to make tea or even sauces

8 treasure tea - DSC_21938 treasure tea - DSC_2196

Snacks!! These are quite good...
Shredded Mushrooms, we felt that this is made of the mushroom stalks...

Shredded Mushroom - DSC_2211

And this is mushroom crisp! I like these... U can always buy them in packs in the supermarkets. I bought them from the NTUC in Singapore :D

Mushroom Crisp - DSC_2206

Xing BAo Mushroom sashimi - we ate this uncooked... I don't think the taste was good. I don't ever want to experience it again. it's definitely different from the non-vegetarian sashimi... give me OToro anytime!!! :p

Xing Bao Mushroom sashimi - DSC_2217

The soup was good. I can drink bowls and bowls of this.

Special made mushroom soup - DSC_2236

These that went into the soup... More and more mushrooms!!!

Agaricus Blazei Murill - DSC_2221

Mushrooms - DSC_2246

Monkey head mushroom and Pine mushroom - DSC_2243

okie... now for the non vegetarian stuffs!!!

Mushroom fish ball - a mixture of chopped mushrooms and fish meat!

DIY Mushroom Fish ball - DSC_2248

Chicken and mutton slices... woo my meats!!! it's fresh enough for me to appreciate tehm/

Chicken slices - DSC_2278

Mutton slices - DSC_2282

and I moved on to Carbo!!!

The Yam noodles - these are quite good...

Yam Noodle - DSC_2253

Mushroom tea rice... they actually steam this in these clay "ramekin" like things... It was DELICIOUS! I would go back for just the mushroom tea rice!!

Mushroom tea rice - DSC_2261

And lastly the Green tea jelly... simple yet good

Green Tea Jelly - DSC_2285

I am not a very good friend to a vegetarian. I do not understand how this fren did put up with my meat eating ways... If you want to go for food here... it would be nice if u are some what into mushrooms... cause there are just TOO many varities to eat. With a bit more meat choices... I think the place would survive for a while...

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